
Sunday Morning Sequestration Revelation

Check out the following letter to the editor from the Abilene Reporter News.  Turns out a local resident of Sweetwater recently had a revelation about the nature of coal and carbon sequestration.  Interesting theory…

Why are we digging up stuff God wants buried?

I believe that God has a purpose for coal, and it’s up to us to figure out what that purpose is. When I was posting to an Abilene Reporter-News thread on Monday, I believe he gave me the answer! God developed and implemented the Carbon Capture And Sequestration system on Earth! He captured the carbon dioxide, the mercury, the arsenic, the leadque and many of the other hazardous chemicals and bound them up in a matrix that we call coal! He bound up this matrix in such a way so that the materials he put into it would stay sequestered forever! He took that matrix and buried most of it, so it would be well below the life zone of Earth. Locked away forever.

He knew the planet would produce more carbon dioxide than the plants could ever recycle. He knew the mercury would contribute to autism in his children. He knew that arsenic caused death and that lead would cause nerve damage and learning disabilities. He knew if he buried it, it would make it more difficult for us to use it to screw up his creation! And here we are today, digging up what he has covered up, releasing the poisons he so lovingly protected us from, releasing them into death and destruction in his world! Releasing them into the life zones of his creation!

God invented the sequestration concept, why do we have to keep digging up his work and bringing the pollution back into our lives!

Jimmy Headstream
