
Victoria follows EPA Greenhouse Gas rules even if Texas does not

In today’s Victoria Advocate, Victoria Environmental Programs Coordinator Marie Lester said that they will be in compliance with the EPA’s greenhouse gas regulations.

Marie Lester, Victoria Environmental Programs Coordinator

Marie Lester, Victoria Environmental Programs Coordinator

Lester said Victoria’s greenhouse gas emissions meet all of the new requirements set by the EPA. The new emission rules are set to go into effect in January.

However, Victoria’s ozone emissions may be in question, Lester said.

Victoria’s ozone emissions meet current EPA guidelines but may not meet the new ones.

The federal agency is due to announce the new acceptable levels for ozone gases, which may be as low as 60 parts per billion.

Victoria’s ozone emissions are 66 parts per billion this year, a low number for the area, Lester said, but the city may have trouble complying if the EPA lowers the cap.

In the meantime, Lester said, all they can do is wait and keep working to lower greenhouse gas emissions in the area.

And she’s absolutely right.  In fact, all of this hub-bub over not following the EPA is just plain childish and silly. We’ve previously reported on how we’re the only state to not comply,  the childish and politically-motivated way we attempted to go about our tantrum, and that our posturing may be costing the state, but at least some Texans are being…. well, Texan, and taking responsibility for what’s in their backyard.

Unfortunately, as they mention, they are at risk on the EPA’s new smog standard.  The biggest problem here is that the state is considering up to four (4) new coal fired power plants that could conceivably affect Victoria’s air quality: Las Brisas, White Stallion, Coleto Creek , and Nu Coastal.  As we’ve mentioned before, the first rule of holes is quit digging.  If leadership in Victoria is to be applauded, it ought to also be protected.  There should be an immediate moratorium on new coal fired power plants until we can come into compliance with the standards designed to insure safe and healthy air for Texans to breathe.


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