
Public Citizen Texas is an office of progressive advocates who research and recommend policy that will lower electric bills, increase clean and renewable sources of energy, and combat greenhouse gas emissions which are responsible for global climate change.  We have professionals working to encourage city and state incentives for energy efficiency (the only negative-cost energy source), to create incentives and mandates for more renewable energy, and to stop newly proposed coal and nuclear plants which pose major health and environmental risks and are likely to cost consumers more than cleaner greener alternatives.

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Because Public Citizen does not accept funds from corporations, professional associations or government agencies, we can remain independent and follow the truth wherever it may lead. But that means we depend on the generosity of concerned citizens like you for the resources to fight on behalf of the public interest. If you will like to help us in our fight, click here.

Need to contact the Texas Office?
Public Citizen-Texas
309 East 11th St., Suite 2
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 477-1155