
Dirtiest Oil in the World to be Refined in Texas?

TransCanada, a pipeline company out of Canada, wants to build a pipeline to bring the dirtiest kind of oil in the world from tar sands mines in Alberta, Canada to refineries in Houston and Beaumont. This oil is many times dirtier than conventional crude and allowing Houston area refineries to process it would increase air pollution throughout the region. The tar sands mines in Alberta are devastating the Boreal forest ecosystem, laying waste to a region the size of Florida and poisoning the people who live downstream. The first permit this pipeline needs is the Presidential Permit, which goes through the State Department. The comment period on this project is open until July 2 – to submit comments online go here. For more information on tar sands oil visit dirtyoilsands.org and to stay updated on tar sands news in Texas keep coming back here to Texas Vox, and visit our main webpage on tar sands here.

The videos below are of the meetings the State Department had on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (part of their permitting process). These meetings were held in Beaumont, Liberty, Livingston and Tyler – communities along the proposed pipeline route. There was also, recently, a campaign to extend the comment process (to July 2) and hold meetings in Houston and Washington DC. Video of the Houston meeting will be up on our blog soon.

Beaumont Meeting 1 of 2

[vimeo 12596025]

Beaumont 2 of 2

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Liberty 1 of 2

[vimeo 12614944]

Liberty 2 of 2

[vimeo 12618478]


[vimeo 12621158]

Tyler 1 of 3

[vimeo 12626034]

Tyler 2 of 3

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Tyler 3 of 3

[vimeo 12644099]