
Join your friends from Public Citizen Texas at Netroots Nation July 22-25! #NN10

(L to R) - Andy, Ryan, Melissa, and "Lady Bird" Liberty telling us how money we are (and we don't even know it! Vegas, baby!)

Yes, friends, it is that time again: Netroots Nation!  Your favorite convergence of bloggers most likely to be called Lenin’s Pioneers by Fox News.  And this time it’s in lovely Las Vegas, Andy’s personal least favorite city in the US (don’t drink, don’t smoke- what do you do?).  Hey, I have an idea– let’s have a convention in the middle of the summer and put it someplace HOTTER than Texas!  Top 3 choices: 3. Phoenix,  2. Vegas, 1. Hell (I’m just a little sour grapes because, nerd that I am, I’d rather be at the other major convention happening that week just a couple hundred miles down I-15 in San Diego.)

Ah well, it will be a party for everyone else, and I’m sure I’ll have some fun– I’ll take some comic books and it’ll be exactly the same for me.  After all, I couldn’t ask for two better traveling companions: Ryan Rittenhouse, our illustrious anti-coal organizer, and Melissa Sanchez, master of… basically everything in our office.

But because we believe in breaking down the information silos, we hope you’ll join us in person if you’re there, or in spirit if you’re not.  Highlights:

Public Citizen will have a booth.  Come join us and grab some swag.

Texas Caucus and Environmental Caucus:unfortunately both are taking place at the same time, Thu at 3pm.  Andy will be at the Enviro Caucus, Ryan and Melissa will be at the Texas Caucus.

Karaoke, Trivia Quiz, and Bowling Parties- oh my! Just because I don’t drink doesn’t mean I don’t love all of the activities that generally accompany it.  Watch for us to be involved in these events.  Want to join a trivia quiz or bowling team with us? Want to sing a duet with Ryan (and really, who doesn’t?)  Come find us!

Follow us online:

  • Melissa and Ryan will be updating Facebook and the blog regularly with our drunken partying fastidious attention to the best practices of current social media trends among the progressive netroots.  Ryan will also be shooting a good deal of video and putting it together into some cohesive form.  Expect a couple of vlogs/video diaries from us as well.  Both Melissa and I will be armed with Flip Cameras, so if you’re a Public Citizen member we’d love to get you on camera checking in from the convention!
  • Andy will be tweeting form both the Public Citizen Account @PublicCitizenTX and also his personal Twitter @CitizenAndy.  I’ll also try to live-tweet the panels I’m in as much as possible.
  • Twitter not stalker-y enough for you? You can also follow Andy on Fourquare or Gowalla, your favorite geo-locational social media sources.  Can I become Mayor of In N Out Burger while we are there? Time will tell…
  • We’ll also be checking in frequently from the road as, in an attempt to reduce both the cost of travel and our carbon footprint, we will be driving a hybrid from Austin to Vegas!  WooT!

In order to send us off properly, we are having a going-away party at the Highball on S Lamar starting at 4pm on Monday, July 19.  Highball has free karaoke and bowling daily during their happy hour, along with cheap local brews, so we’re taking advantage of that and partying at the swankiest place we know south of the river.  RSVP via Facebook so we make sure we get an appropriate sized karaoke room!  Also, be sure to download the brand new iphone app from the Highball so you can check their karaoke listings and come with a few songs prepared. And just like Fight Club, if this is your first time at karaoke with Public Citizen, you have to sing.  Just kidding.  Just come and have a good time with us.

We’ll see you there and we hope you’ll enjoy our coverage of NN10!