
March 25th – Still the bill of the day!

HB 2184 – BAD and moving forward
by Lewis

HB 2184, by Representative Tyron Lewis (R-Odessa) 512-463-0546, relates to  the disposition of  low-level radioactive wasteThis bill is moving forward and we expect it to move out of committee on Wednesday, March 30th.  At a minimum, Public Citizen believes the following should be included in the bill:
  • The bill needs to require a capacity study before any changes to the compact is made. The TCEQ has submitted a letter that indicates there are good reasons to believe the need will exceed the capacity within a few years.
  • The bill should also include a requirement that TCEQ should do a certification prior to import of any waste.

This bill is currently pending in the House State Affairs Committee.  If you are concerned about this issue you should call the members of the committee before next Wednesday and tell them you are concerned about this bill and that, at a minimum they should:

  1. require a capacity study.  
  2. require TCEQ to do a certification prior to import of any waste.

Your calls will be important in making sure whatever legislation is passed takes the health and well-being of Texas into consideration in how Texas accepts and stores low-level radioactive waste.  Click here if you want to read a copy of the bill.

See our earlier blogs on the low level radioactive waste dump and the Compact Commission: