
Oi Polloi – Nuclear Waste

In honor of SB 1605, a Simmons‘ led bill on the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission, we decided to post a music video speaking of more sensible, viable options for clean energy. Hope you enjoy it!


And the lyrics after the jump if you want them:

Nuclear energy is a con
It’s just a cover for making their bombs
And it sends people to an early grave
So we want the power of the wind and the waves

Harness the wind
Harness the waves
We don’t need this filthy nuclear waste
Solar power – yet another alternative
Think of the boundless energy the sun has to give
Then there’s hydro-electricity with turbines and dams
And we can out our consumption with conservation programmes

Harness the wind
The sun the waves
We don’t need this filthy nuclear waste
The civil atomic energy programmes
is nothing but an elaborate cover-up for the real use of nuclear power
namely the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons
We call for an end to the nuclear power programmes and properly
funded research into renewable sources of energy

Harness the wind
The sun the waves
We don’t need this filthy nuclear waste