
A new study from Tom Brikowski, a geosciences professor at the University of Texas at Dallas, and Drs. Yair Lotan and Margaret Pearle, urology professors at UT Southwestern Medical School, printed in this week’s issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, made an interesting conclusion. More global warming will mean more kidney stones. For those of us who are at risk for or have a family history of kidney stones (it’s because of all the Diet Coke I drink), this is even more worrisome.

The good news is we can easily change our diets and reduce other risk factors. Switching to non-carbon producing forms of energy and transportation may not be quite so easy. However, just like kicking a bad Diet Coke habit. we can get ourselves off of oil and especially coal by making new investments in renewable energy.

Kidney stones are just the beginning of the health problems we can prevent by stopping global warming. We can prevent the spread of previously tropical and exotic disease like malaria and West Nile virus that can migrate as the climate changes. By stopping greenhouse gas pollution we can also stop the pollution that leads to asthma, emphysema, and other lung ailments. And by investing in efficiency and renewable energy now, we can have cheaper energy and get more bang for our energy buck.

Read the story in the Dallas Morning News on this subject here.


An intern brigade (Adrien, Melissa, and I) traveled out to South Austin earlier this month to show Public Citizen support at the San Francisco de Asis Episcopal Church’s ribbon cutting ceremony for their solar panel installation. On top of the good work of this church’s affiliated mission, El Buen Samaritano, which provides health care and education for the church community, San Francisco de Asis is now doing good for the wider community as a producer of clean energy. And Reverend Jose Palma says the solar panels will save the church $10,000 a year (!!) in electric bills.

The church has also made this installation their own—the solar panels on the roof form the shape of a cross.

Adrien and I with Reverend Jose Palma--if you look closely you can see the solar panels forming a cross on the roof of the church building behind us

Adrien and I with Reverend Jose Palma--if you look closely you can see the solar panels forming a cross on the roof of the church building behind us

Laura from Austin Energy told us that the City of Austin’s funding of solar rebates is what makes these kind of installations possible. Although Austin Energy and CPS Energy in San Antonio offer good rebate programs and all Texas residents are eligible for a small federal rebate, the state of Texas has yet to establish a comprehensive rebate program so that all Texans can take advantage of the abundant sun here.

The More You Know:

CBS News recently aired this report on the future of solar energy:


If you are interested in installing your own solar panels you can check out the websites for the Texas Solar Power Company (who installed San Francisco de Asis’ panels) or Mehr Solar’s Texas page.

Related links:

– Natalie Messer

You so CRE-Z

So the Public Utility Commission of Texas announced today that they will go with Scenario 2 on CREZ (Competitive Renewable Energy Zone).

This explains what’s going on pretty well.


CPS Energy looks kind of ridiculous in it. They originally endorsed Scenario 1b (the least amount of transmission to be considered), but last week the Express-News reported on their change of tune.

Today’s Dallas Morning News editorializes about banning phthalates, (pronounced THAL-ates), a chemical made from petroleum that makes plastics bendable and has already been banned in Europe, California, Washington, and even Mexico. Among the top products that use phthalates in their plastics? Children’s toys. As a father of two children under the age of 3 whose toys invariably end up in their mouths, whether these post a health risk is of obvious concern to me.

Both the House and Senate overwhelmingly passed legislation to reform the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which oversees product safety and consumer protection, but the Senate’s version included a phtalate ban- the House’s version did not. Now, while in the conference committee designed to reconcile the two versions of the bill, special interests are attempting to keep the phthalate ban out of the final bill.

Continue Reading »

This article originally posted at citizenvox.org

Global warming is the singular environmental challenge of our generation. Some people claim you cannot be green without sacrificing economic development. Actually, we can create a greener energy future for Texas and reduce our electric bills at the same time by investing in our electric infrastructure.

This week the Texas Public Utility Commission met to decide on upgrading the power grid infrastructure to make sure that we can build new clean, renewable sources of energy in West Texas (where all the sun and wind is) and get it to the people in the major population centers in East Texas. Of three options, they chose the medium, compromise amount of investment. While not as large as we would have liked (the best option was an “electric superhighway” that would have saved Texans billions in their energy bills), the PUC chose to make a large investment in the clean energy future of our state.

Wind power in Texas is now a cheaper source of electricity than fossil fuel alternatives. Building newer transmission lines is the best way to quit our addiction to fossil fuels.

Want to learn more? Read our press release about our news conference, or read the study and policy paper here. You can also watch a video about renewable energy in Texas and how we can save $1.2 billion dollars here.

Image from Flickr.com

Brendan I. Koerner over at Slate.com publishes the column “The Green Lantern,” where he investigates readers’ queries and quandries about how to be ‘green’. Column topics range from whether to buy your juice in a can or not from concentrate to what kind of tree soaks up the most carbon.

His most recent column discusses whether buying a certified pre-owned vehicle might be a greener choice than buying a new Prius given the energy that goes into the production of a new car. (Spoiler alert!) It’s not, but the column brings up many aspects of being environmentally-friendly with your car purchases beyond gas mileage that aren’t often part of the discussion, such as energy use during production, longevity of the car, and whether you could invest money you save by buying a less expensive car in energy efficiency measures in your home.

The Green Lantern also hosted a chat to answer more questions about hybrid cars, found here.

-Natalie Messer

Why 350?

In the past few weeks I have come across 350.org‘s recent animated video several times, each time more impressed at its simplicity and effectiveness. In 90 seconds, without words, the short cartoon manages to convey what we are doing to cause global warming, why you should care, and what you can do about it.


350.org‘s message is clear and simple. Global warming is a universal problem and if we continue to go about our lives normally at 387 ppm we will suffer dire consequences (many of which we are already experiencing—melting ice caps, increased drought, and more incidences of disease). Though universal in scope, effects of global warming will vary by region. Texas leads the United States in greenhouse gas emissions and if we were a country, we would rank 7th in the world for our emissions.

BUT, it is not too late! …if we act now. Just like the stick figures in the video, what you do adds up. Every little thing helps. So, ride your bike to work, use canvas bags at the grocery store, write your congressman to support renewable energy sources, invest in more efficient appliances, and keep spreading the word: 350.