
Will my rates go up because of last week’s electricity mess?  That’s a question that the Texas Tribune, a nonpartisan, nonprofit media organization that promotes civic engagement and discourse on public policy, politics, government, and other matters of statewide concern, asked and their answer starts out:

Lots of Texans are asking that question in the wake of last week’s rolling blackouts, and nobody’s going to be happy with the answer, which is: “It depends” (if you ask the electricity industry); or “Yes” (if you ask consumer advocates).

Click here to read the complete Texas Tribune article.


By promoting cleaner energy, cleaner government, and cleaner air for all Texans, we hope to provide for a healthy place to live and prosper. We are Public Citizen Texas

The Dallas Morning News took a look at Governor Rick Perry‘s State of the State address and folks around the state had some interesting thoughts on the veracity of his statements.  Click here to read the story.

For those who didn’t watch Governor Rick Perry‘s State of the State address, we have provided the text of his prepared remarks. (NOTE: Gov. Perry frequently deviates from prepared text.)   Or you can watch it below.


If you did watch or after you read the speech, we’d really like to get your thoughts on, what some have termed, a view of Texas that is part of an alternate reality.

  Governor Rick Perry – State of the State 2011 Continue Reading »

In the evening following a day of rolling blackouts, the Texas Democracy Foundation, publishers of the Texas Observer, identified and introduced to the community a new generation of progressive leaders for Texas. 

We are proud to announce that our very own Andy Wilson and Trevor Lovell were named to be among this year’s Next Generation Leaders.

Andy Wilson

Andy Wilson

Trevor Lovell

Trevor Lovell


Click here to read the Texas Observer’s article.

Congressman Fred Upton (R-Michigan)

Congressman Fred Upton (R-Michigan)

Michigan’s Fred Upton, who became the chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in early January, is a climate change denier, reversing a position he took when he told his home town paper, the River Country Journal, in 1999 that, “Climate change is a serious problem that necessitates serious solutions. Everything must be on the table – particularly renewable sources of energy like wind and solar, nuclear power and clean coal technologies.”

In an interview this week at a public forum with journalist Ron Brownstein, when asked to explain why a bill he introduced with Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) challenging an Environmental Protection Agency finding portrays climate change as “possible.”  Upton said, “I have said many times, and there was a report a couple of weeks ago that in fact you look at this last year, it was the warmest year in the last decade, I think was the number that came out. I don’t — I accept that. I do not say that it is man-made and I know from the hearings that we had that even if cap and trade had been enacted, it would not have changed the temperature by a tenth of a degree, virtually anywhere in the world.”   The video of that interview went viral Tuesday.

Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott

Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott

So when the Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott appeared today before a subcommittee of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, complaining that the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations are, in his opinion, contrary to the Clean Air Act, his complaints were not met by unsympathetic ears. Continue Reading »

Well, we’ve waited for these, and here they are, the Committee Chairs for your 82nd Texas Legislature:


Agriculture & Livestock: Representative Rick Hardcastle (R-Vernon)

Appropriations: Representative Jim Pitts (R-Waxahachie)

Border & Intergovernmental Affairs: Representative Veronica Gonzales (D-McAllen)

Business & Industry: Representative Joe Deshotel (D-Beaumont)

Calendars: Representative Todd Hunter (R-Corpus Christi)

Corrections: Representative Jerry Madden (R-Richardson)

County Affairs: Representative Garnet Coleman (D-Houston)

Criminal Jurisprudence: Pete Gallego (D-Alpine)

Culture, Recreation & Tourism: Representative Ryan Guillen (D-Rio Grande City)

Defense & Veterans’ Affairs: Representative Joe Pickett (D-El Paso) Continue Reading »

Texas’ Attorney General, Greg Abbott is taking his fight with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to Washington DC today.

Texas Attorney General Greg AbbotAbbot will testify before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on how he believes the EPA’s policies are affecting Texas.

Abbott, TCEQ and the governor have been on the warpath against the EPA for some time.  Abbott, has filed lawsuits against the EPA defending Texas’ flexible permit program that allows certain industries an exemption from having to disclose pollution for each individual smokestack at a facility and allowing them to aggregate all emissions from the plant together. Click here to read an earlier blog post on Texas’  flex permit program. The TCEQ didn’t even send a representative to an EPA public meeting in Dallas about the DFW’s efforts to come into compliance with the federal clean air standards.  Abbot is also challenging the EPA’s efforts to regulated greenhouse gases.   In late January, Abbott sent a letter to President Obama and congressional leaders asking them to push legislation limiting the EPA’s reach.

Abbot will make an opening statement and then take questions from the committee.

Abbott is the only state attorney general scheduled to testify today, according to the committee’s witness list.  Others on the list include EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, National Black Chamber of Commerce President Harry Alford and representatives from industries.


By promoting cleaner energy, cleaner government, and cleaner air for all Texans, we hope to provide for a healthy place to live and prosper. We are Public Citizen Texas

The Texas Railroad Commission added an emergency item to their agenda today so it could hear from the Texas Energy Reliability Council about natural gas service’s impact on the rolling blackouts that swept the state.  They told the Commission that Texas was never in danger of a natural gas shortage during last week’s statewide deep freeze and no electric generating company with an “uninterruptible” contract for gas had to do without.

Of course, one could also read that as gas supplies could have been interupted at generating facilities that chose to purchase their fuel under contracts offered at a lower price, but with the risk that delivery cannot be absolutely guaranteed in all circumstances.  That is, in fact what happened, so if those plants had been able to get delivery of natural gas, it is possible that the state might have been in danger of a natural gas shortage.

During the prolonged winter storm, gas production in the Barnett Shale was shut down as well as some others around the state. But that short-term gap in supply was filled by tapping reserves warehoused in underground salt domes, at least for those power plants that had uninteruptable contracts.

But be forwarned,  the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) warns that more blackouts might be needed as state braces for Arctic Blast Round 2 and  issued another plea for conservation, especially during the peak-use hours of 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., saying the grid is still down some 2,700 megawatts of capacity and that rolling blackouts might return with the next round of sub-freezing weather.

ERCOT said tomorrow’s peak demand is projected to exceed 54,000 megawatts between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. , and then top 58,000 megawatts between 7 and 8 Thursday morning. That would surpass the current winter peak demand record of 56,334 megawatts, which occurred Feb. 2.

Today’s hearing at the Railroad Commission was the first public review of the circumstances surrounding the rolling blackouts. It focused solely on natural gas supplies and production.

A more comprehensive hearing will occur Feb. 15 when the Senate Business and Commerce Committee meets jointly with the Natural Resources Committee to review issues surrounding the outages.

If you want to watch today’s hearing, you can catch it online at www.texasadmin.com.


By promoting cleaner energy, cleaner government, and cleaner air for all Texans, we hope to provide for a healthy place to live and prosper. We are Public Citizen Texas

Senate Intergovernmental Relations will meet at 9:30 AM, Wednesday, February 09, 2011 in E1.028 (Hearing Room) to hear invited testimony from representatives from the representatives from Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.  Click here to watch the hearing online tomorrow morning.

Explositon site outside HoustonThere are reports of an explosion occuring about 11:45am at Enterprise Products in Mont Belvieu, Tx just east of Houston. 

So far, I’ve seen no reports about possible injuries or deaths, but the photos are daunting.

Explosion and fire at Houston chemical plantEnterprise owns a state of the art gasoline additive production facility that has been modified to produce isooctane, a motor gasoline octane enhancement additive used in reformulated motor gasoline blends to increase octane, and isobutylene.

Bennie Fuelberg during his trial

Bennie Fuelberg

Former Pedernales Electric Cooperative General Manager Bennie Fuelberg has been sentenced to five years’ probation, 300 days in county jail, 1,000 hours of community service and $126,000 in restitution which goes to the co-op’s former law firm Clark, Thomas and Winters, and its insurance company, which paid a $4.1 million settlement to the co-op last year.  The sentence is for a conviction on third-degree felony theft of co-op funds, money laundering and misappropriation of fiduciary property.  The co-op, which had rejected a prosecution proposal directing Fuelberg to pay Pedernales $100,000, gets no money.

The charges could have carried a maximum prison term of 10 years, but Fuelberg got less than a year of actual jail time.

Demond, a former attorney with Clark, Thomas & Winters, faces trial on the same theft and money laundering charges later this year.


Turns out, the reason for only 300 days of jail time is the judge gave Fuelberg the option of reducing his jail time by accepting responsibility for his crime — including waiving his right to appeal — and testifying against attorney Walter Demond. Demond, a former partner at Clark Thomas, who faces trial later this year on the same felony theft, money laundering and misapplication of fiduciary property charges as Fuelberg.

"Come Unto Me", a depiction of Jesus...

"Come Unto Me", a depiction of Jesus Christ at Cedarvale Bay City Cemetery - on Wikipedia

The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold two public meetings on the environmental review of South Texas Project (STP) Nuclear Operating Co.’s application to renew the operating licenses for the STP nuclear reactors near Bay City.

The public is invited to attend and comment on environmental issues the NRC should consider in its review of the proposed license renewal.  Formal comments on environmental issues should be provided during either of the scheduled sessions.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
          In the afternoon from 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.
          In the evening from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m.
                      NRC staff will host informal discussions an hour prior to
                      each meeting to answer questions and provide
                      additional information about the process.
Bay City Civic Center located at 201 7th St. in Bay City, Texas,

The meetings will include an NRC staff presentation on the license renewal process, after which members of the public will be given the opportunity to present their comments on what environmental issues the NRC should consider during its review.

For planning purposes, those who wish to present oral comments at the meeting are encouraged to contact Tam Tran, email at tam.tran@nrc.gov or telephone at 301- 415-3617. People may also register to speak before the start of each session. Individual comment time may be limited by the time available.

Both South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 are pressurized-water nuclear reactors, located 12 miles southwest of Bay City, Texas. The plant’s current operating licenses for Units 1 and 2 will expire on Aug. 20, 2027, and Dec. 15, 2028, respectively.

. . .But deregulation is the color of money
And deregulation can be cool and shopping-like
And deregulation can be big like a variable rate plan, or important
Like a TXU/Oncor, or tall like a wind turbine.

Deregulation of the Texas electric market brought us the “POWER TO CHOOSE.”  You can check out the Public Utilities Commission’s site to learn about electric competition in Texas and shop for electricity providers.  But be forewarned, sorting through the options can be time-consuming and confusing. Customers can pick a provider based on price; whether power is produced by coal, wind or natural gas; the length of the contract; and whether the price is fixed or adjustable, like a mortgage.  But it’s what you don’t know as you sort through all the information that can cost you money.

For instance, the quoted rate might not include transmission and distribution charges, monthly customer charges or other recurring fees buried in the fine print. Some companies may require a deposit, assess a hefty fee if you end your contract or charge higher rates if you use too little electricity. A rate of 10 cents per kilowatt hour might apply if you use a certain amount of power each month; but if you use less, the rate might be 20 percent higher.

So if you are in the market for a new provider, keep these things in mind.  Below we’ve included a list of key questions you might want to ask your provider before signing on the dotted line. Continue Reading »

The Texas Railroad Commission added an emergency item to tomorrow’s agenda so it can hear from the Texas Energy Reliability Council about last week’s rolling blackouts impact on natural gas service.

The meeting starts at 9:30 am on Tuesday, February 8th at the William B. Travis Building.  Watch it online at www.texasadmin.com.

Brian Lloyd, the executive director of the Public Utility Commission has directed the electric reliability monitor (the Electric Reliability Council of Texas) and the electric market monitor (Potomic Economics)  to investigate all of the events surrounding last week’s rolling blackouts and electric generation failures.  This includes “all preparations” made by ERCOT and all actions taken once the emergency was in full force.  He has also directed them to pay particular attention to whether rules governing market manipulation and potential price gouging were violated.

Below is Lloyd’s letter.

PUC rolling blackout investigation letter

The Texas Progressive Alliance is hoping for a swift and player-friendly resolution to the NFL labor situation as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Bay Area Houston submits a press release from Rick Perry: TX Gov Rick Perry puts the Chupacabra on emergency legislation.

Off the Kuff conducted an interview with Houston City Attorney David Feldman to discuss the upcoming Council redistricting process.

Harold at Letters From Texas poked fun at the Texas weather on both Wednesday and Friday.

While the Big Gas Mafia is pumping diesel fuel into the ground in the name of national security and energy independence, they have been quietly planning to ship a bunch of it to China. TXsharon wants you to think about who profits and who pays for this so-called “clean energy.”

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes privatizing essential services promotes profits not the general welfare. The Corpus Christi Caller Times pretends (or not) to be all stupid about the rolling blackouts.

Texans came to the shivering realization last week that the energy capital of the world can’t keep its lights on. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs provides the reveal.

How bad is the disaster that Perry wrought? Libby Shaw spells it out over at TexasKaos . See Governor Rick Perry Lays a $30 Billion Rotten Egg on Texas.

Eye On Williamson informs us that GOP Williamson County Congressman John Carter wants to increase the amount of mercury in our air, Rep. Carter wants to increase corporate profits by harming nature.

It’s always good to know that someone is sticking up for the stupid and belligerently ignorant. McBlogger offers his thanks to Speaker Boehner for being that someone.

Neil at Texas Liberal wrote last week on the release—after many months—of the video tape of a number of Houston police officers beating up 15 year old Chad Holley. The public has a right to see this video. Houston’s political leaders should be less concerned about Houston’s image and the unlikely prospect of civil disorder, and more concerned with high rates of poverty in Houston that help drive young people to crime.