
Posts Tagged ‘Al Gore’

In the month of October, we all witnessed the very impressive Blog Action Day where bloggers from all over the country and the world addressed the issue of climate change through their writings. Repower America has taken it a step further.

Their website now has a wall for everyone to go and post their pictures, videos, or text. It is a very original and unique idea that Al Gore has described as a “revolutionary approach” and an “ambitious strategy.”


The wall is a place where people from different walks of life express their opinion about green energy. Doctors, military leaders, actors, environmental organizations, and many others have all posted their pictures and videos. It is an overwhelmingly powerful tool.

The Wall is a place where literally thousands and thousands of people committed to a revolutionary new energy future for our nation and the world are coming together — to express our hopes, share our resolve, and step up to a leadership role in building a grassroots movement for change like nothing America has ever seen. It’s an opportunity for you to be part of the climate movement in a new way, in a way that takes us beyond ourselves. – Al Gore wrote on his his journal.

It is a very simple process to get your post on the wall. Visit this website and follow the simple instructions. Remember adding your own video or photo to you post will only make your message it more powerful.


Click here to go to Repower America’s Wall. Voice out your opinion and join us in the fight.

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Public Citizen is a national sponsor of this year’s Netroots Nation conference, and as the Austin Texas office of Public Citizen is happy to play host. We’ve met so many great people and been in so many excellent meetings. We’re also proud that we launched this, our Texas blog, in concert with NN08. Today has been incredibly busy and wonderful, so let me fill all of you in who weren’t here.


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