
Posts Tagged ‘Bill McKibben’

In February 2013, 40 intrepid Texans from from all over the state, (Corpus Christi, Houston, Dallas, East Texas, and Austin), boarded a bus and traveled 34 straight hours to join folks in an inspiring event where Bill McKibben of 350, Michael Brune of Sierra Club, other speakers from prominent eco groups and celebrities in the largest rally ever held in history in Washington, DC.  In the freezing February weather, between 40,000 to 50,000 people from around the country came together and said NO to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Among the Texans on the long bus trip were three filmmakers from Dallas.  Sponsored by DOLPHIN BLUE, they documented the trip and interviewed the young people who were joining this fight.  There is also a portion of the movie which shows exclusive footage and interviews with first responders and residents affected by the devastating tar sands spill in Mayflower, Arksansas due to Exxon’s Pegasus pipeline rupture with interviews and footage of the neighborhood.

That movie, Cry Heard ‘Round the World, premiers with a free screening on Thursday, March 20th in Dallas and if you are in the area we hope you consider seeing this new film.

Check out the  trailer and reserve your seat below.


Click here to reserve your seat at this FREE movie

Cry Heard ‘Round the World
Angelika Film Center
5321 E Mockingbird Ln
Dallas, TX 75206
THURSDAY, MARCH 20 at 8 pm

Seats are filling up quickly, and reservations are on a first come, first serve basis.  


After the film, there will be a panel
with landowner Julia Trigg Crawford, who STILL has her fight at the Texas Supreme Court against KXL,
Rita Beving of Public Citizen and David Griggs of Sierra Club
to talk about the rally and tar sands
Others who were at the rally may join the discussion.



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Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org, and technical adviser to the Texas Drought Project, will appear Thursday, October 4th, at 7 PM at the Belo Center for New Media Auditorium (BMC 2.106), at the northeast corner of Dean Keeton and Guadalupe, University of Texas, Austin, TX.

McKibben is known for his provocative books, Eaarth: Making Life on a Tough New Planet, The Global Warming Reader, and Deep Economy, among others. He is considered by Time Magazine to be “the planet’s best green journalist” and by the Boston Globe as “the country’s most important environmentalist.”

As the founder of the grassroots climate campaign, 350.org, he has helped to co-ordinate over 15,000 rallies in 189 countries. He is also a leader against tar sands oil.

Don’t miss it!

The event is sponsored by the University of Texas School of Journalism and the Third Coast Activist Resource Center. It’s free and open to the public, and seating is limited on a first-come, first-served basis.


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