
Posts Tagged ‘carbonfund’

ReadingTime for a Friday wrap-up, all the news that’s fit to link:

The Cost of Climate Inaction, Op-Ed in the Washington Post

An Affordable Salvation, New York Times Op-Ed about the benefits of cap and trade

Carbon Offsets in Waxman-Markey Bill, An Overview, Carbonfund.org Blog

Maryland Passes Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act, SustainableBusiness.com News

Cap and trade won’t push heavy industries overseas — study, The New York Times

Net metering: The civil rights movement for solar energy, Photovoltaics World

Who gets tough against companies polluting Texas? Hint: It’s not the state, Houston Chronicle

Utah takes nuclear waste from states with own dump, Houston Chronicle (A glimpse of what could happen in Texas if the Andrews Waste Dump goes through)

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mothersdaycardYou don’t call, you don’t write… yes, ladies and gentlemen, its that time of year.  This Sunday is Mother’s Day — Don’t Forget!

In fact, while you’re thinking about it, why not send Mom an e-card that keeps Mother Earth in mind, courtesy of Carbonfund.org.

Save the paper from sending a real card, give Mom a grin…  what’ve you got to lose?

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