
Posts Tagged ‘Fuel economy in automobiles’

With the backing of major carmakers, President Obama announced a plan to increase the fleet average fuel economy of new cars and trucks to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, nearly double the current levels.

The new standards are the result of a compromise with the industry after the White House initially proposed raising the Corporate Average Fuel Economy, or CAFE, standard to 62 mpg.

The compromise was a bit of a surprise and looked unlikely even a few days ago,and key parties didn’t sign off on the final language until nearly midnight Thursday.

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Regardless of your car needs, a more fuel efficient vehicle is available. But we can do better!

As Texas families prepare for one of the busiest travel holidays of the year, a new Environment Texas report finds that more fuel efficient cars could save Texans over $16 million at the gas pump this Thanksgiving holiday alone. The report was released as new federal fuel efficiency and global warming pollution standards for cars and light trucks are being developed. (more…)

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