
Posts Tagged ‘internship’

Be a Public CitizenAs the start of the 84th Texas Legislative Session approaches, we’re looking to add a couple more passionate advocates to our team.  As usual, we’ll be working primarily on energy, environmental and ethics issues.  If you want a good learning experience with an opportunity to make a difference, read on.

Environmental/Energy Research/Social Media/Administrative Assistant

Public Citizen’s Texas office seeks an organized and motivated person to provide research, social media and light administrative assistance to a former Texas State Representative that will be volunteering with us for the Legislative session.

Duties will include assisting a former state representative with social media (Facebook and Twitter), Capitol office visits, research, and some light administrative work – mostly helping to keep things organized. This will include research on radioactive waste and fracking, but could include other topics as well. The assistant will help develop factsheets and blog posts based on this research. The assistant will be asked to track bills as they are filed and move through the legislative process and to help distribute materials to state legislative offices.

Qualifications: Ability to commit to 25+ hr/week through June 1; Professional business attire required most days; Desire to make a difference; Great writing and communication skills; Ability to use computer programs, such as Word, Excel, and Power Point; Ability to stay organized; Ability to work with a team; Self-motivation; Desire to learn is a must; Background in energy, environmental issues, politics, economics, or public policy is helpful, but not required

To Apply: Send a cover letter detailing why you want to work with Public Citizen, your resume, and a writing sample to Kaiba White at kwhite@citizen.org.

Environmental/Energy Policy and Advocacy Internship

Interns work with the Texas Legislature, the media, and other public interest groups to change laws and educate the public on environmental issues, especially those relating to energy use.

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It was a week of welcoming at 1303 San Antonio Street. Four summer interns were hired this week and everyone is excited to to have them on board, particularly me as it gets pretty quiet in this place when there aren’t interns running around and being told what to do, or is it just me that gets pretty quiet? No matter, now onto introductions: (more…)

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Meet Mona Avalos.

Mona is our charming, diligent global warming intern. She’s finishing up a master’s degree at Sam Houston State while working with Andy Wilson to educate the public about the strategies for and the benefits of energy conservation.

Don’t be fooled by her studious demeanor; she is a fun-loving dork at heart. Plus… (she has superpowers!) Shhhh, don’t tell anyone though



By promoting cleaner energy, cleaner government, and cleaner air for all Texans, we hope to provide for a healthy place to live and prosper. We are Public Citizen Texas.

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This is the launch of our Get to Know an Activist Series. Everyday the staff of Public Citizen Texas works to protect and enhance the rights of Texas citizens. We scrutinize, work to reform, and disseminate the details of local policy and energy issues to ensure that our government is of, for, and by the people. But who are the people behind the protests and press releases?

That’s why we’re introducing the Get to Know an Activist Series. Across the coming weeks, our new communications intern Patrick Reck will interview the staff at our Austin office to show the community who is defending it.

To begin, Citizen Sarah turned the camera on our burgeoning blogger Patrick to see what makes him type…



By promoting cleaner energy, cleaner government, and cleaner air for all Texans, we hope to provide for a healthy place to live and prosper. We are Public Citizen Texas.

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NOTE: David really wrote this and while Citizen Sarah might have put him up to it, she didn’t tell him what to say — just to write about his experience. The moral of the story is: interning at Public Citizen is awesome. Apply today (or tomorrow, if you already have plans for today). But soon!

I began my Public Citizen internship in May of this year and it has been one of the most rewarding and enjoyable work experiences of my life. I finally feel like I’m really fighting the good fight and doing something that matters, not just selling my labor to the highest bidder. The staff here are wonderful. They share a knowledge and passion about the issues they work with that I have only occasionally seen any place else. They also all come from diverse backgrounds and each have their own sense of humor and areas of amazing knowledge and know-how. There is no drama or conflict in the Public Citizen Texas office: we work hard and we have fun doing it.

I have gotten to work extensively with Tom “Smitty” Smith who is one of the most influential and well respected environmental lobbyists in the state. Smitty is a relentless, uncompromising fighter for the causes of clean energy and better policy and it has been amazing honor to work with him. He is willing and able to boldly stand-up to anyone, but much of his success comes from his ability to clearly articulate his positions and bring others over to his side. As a young aspiring political reformer, I have made connections working at Public Citizen Texas that will benefit me for years to come. I have met several major players in Texas politics and the clean energy as well as the environmental movement. I am also a lot more knowledgeable about Texas politics and a host of energy and environmentally related issues as a result of my stay here than I ever imagined becoming.

Working here gave me the opportunity to do research that was actually used in policy debates. I have also helped contribute to media and outreach efforts, and have had multiple opportunities to appear before important players in Texas energy issues like the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission and the board of CPS energy. Other interns at Public Citizen Texas have made presentations to legislators and many of them have gone on to have careers in government reform.


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intern-where-is-my-reportDear readers:  We need fall interns for our Austin office.  Think you’ve got what it takes to make me coffee contribute in a meaningful way to our team? Want to be the next Citizen X?  Check out the following infos and apply today!  Feel free to ask questions about the internship in the comments section, and I’ll respond if your wordpress avatar looks impressive right away!

Public Citizen, a national non-profit consumer advocacy and watchdog group, seeks motivated interns in our office in Austin. For over 25 years, the Texas office of Public Citizen has worked on protecting consumers and standing up for the common citizen in the halls of power. When corporate interests send in their high-priced lobbyists, the public can rely on Public Citizen to advocate for what is in their interest.

PC Texas currently works on mostly energy issues, as energy usually represents the second or third largest household expense for most families. We are currently involved in working on federal climate change policy, increasing the use of renewable energy and efficiency as new power resources, and stopping proposed coal and nuclear plant expansions across Texas. We also have a vibrant communications team which specializes in both traditional and “new” media outreach.

QUALIFICATIONS: An intense desire to work in the public’s interest, excellent writing and verbal skills, organized, ability to work under pressure, team player, self-motivated. Background in energy, environmental issues, politics, economics, public policy, etc helpful. Desire to learn a MUST. Interns interested in communications work should have some background in media/communications/PR, etc.

All internships are 20 hrs/week and unpaid and will take place at our office in downtown Austin at the corner of 13th and San Antonio (3 blocks East of the Capitol).

If interested please email Melissa Sanchez msanchez@citizen.org with a resume and a short writing sample.

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