
Posts Tagged ‘Kilowatt hour’

. . .But deregulation is the color of money
And deregulation can be cool and shopping-like
And deregulation can be big like a variable rate plan, or important
Like a TXU/Oncor, or tall like a wind turbine.

Deregulation of the Texas electric market brought us the “POWER TO CHOOSE.”  You can check out the Public Utilities Commission’s site to learn about electric competition in Texas and shop for electricity providers.  But be forewarned, sorting through the options can be time-consuming and confusing. Customers can pick a provider based on price; whether power is produced by coal, wind or natural gas; the length of the contract; and whether the price is fixed or adjustable, like a mortgage.  But it’s what you don’t know as you sort through all the information that can cost you money.

For instance, the quoted rate might not include transmission and distribution charges, monthly customer charges or other recurring fees buried in the fine print. Some companies may require a deposit, assess a hefty fee if you end your contract or charge higher rates if you use too little electricity. A rate of 10 cents per kilowatt hour might apply if you use a certain amount of power each month; but if you use less, the rate might be 20 percent higher.

So if you are in the market for a new provider, keep these things in mind.  Below we’ve included a list of key questions you might want to ask your provider before signing on the dotted line. (more…)

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