
Posts Tagged ‘Las Vegas’

Melissa Sanchez of Public Citizen Texas tells us about karaoke last night, Van Jones, and lots of good panels today.



Van Jones Breakfast Keynote this morning

Speaking in Tongues movie site

Se y’all tomorrow for our final update from Vegas.

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(L to R) - Andy, Ryan, Melissa, and "Lady Bird" Liberty telling us how money we are (and we don't even know it! Vegas, baby!)

Yes, friends, it is that time again: Netroots Nation!  Your favorite convergence of bloggers most likely to be called Lenin’s Pioneers by Fox News.  And this time it’s in lovely Las Vegas, Andy’s personal least favorite city in the US (don’t drink, don’t smoke- what do you do?).  Hey, I have an idea– let’s have a convention in the middle of the summer and put it someplace HOTTER than Texas!  Top 3 choices: 3. Phoenix,  2. Vegas, 1. Hell (I’m just a little sour grapes because, nerd that I am, I’d rather be at the other major convention happening that week just a couple hundred miles down I-15 in San Diego.)

Ah well, it will be a party for everyone else, and I’m sure I’ll have some fun– I’ll take some comic books and it’ll be exactly the same for me.  After all, I couldn’t ask for two better traveling companions: Ryan Rittenhouse, our illustrious anti-coal organizer, and Melissa Sanchez, master of… basically everything in our office.

But because we believe in breaking down the information silos, we hope you’ll join us in person if you’re there, or in spirit if you’re not.  Highlights:

Public Citizen will have a booth.  Come join us and grab some swag.

Texas Caucus and Environmental Caucus:unfortunately both are taking place at the same time, Thu at 3pm.  Andy will be at the Enviro Caucus, Ryan and Melissa will be at the Texas Caucus.

Karaoke, Trivia Quiz, and Bowling Parties- oh my! Just because I don’t drink doesn’t mean I don’t love all of the activities that generally accompany it.  Watch for us to be involved in these events.  Want to join a trivia quiz or bowling team with us? Want to sing a duet with Ryan (and really, who doesn’t?)  Come find us!

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