
Posts Tagged ‘peaceful protest’

Good news from Bay City!  The preliminary hearing for White Stallion Energy Center was this morning, and the No Coal Coalition, Sierra Club, and Environmental Defense Fund ALL GOT STANDING.  That means that when the real contested case hearing happens, in six months or so, we’ll all be legal parties to the process.

Anyone looking for more information on White Stallion or interested in getting involved in this fight is encouraged to visit the No Coal Coalition’s website.  There you can find articles about the plant, sign up for e-mail updates, and get protest stickers and yard signs.  You should also, of course, check out Coal Block and join the community to get in contact with other organizers and activists.

happy-lil-old-ladyMaybe some day you can be as cool as this lady, who was among more than 40 people that just got arrested at a peaceful protest of Duke Energy over their coal policies. Nearly 300 people gathered near their headquarters in Charlotte, South Caroline this morning “to decry the expansion of Duke’s Cliffside coal-fired power plant in Rutherford County, its use of coal mined by flattening Appalachian mountains and its contributions to global warming.”

Definitely check out the slide show from this protest.  Inspiring stuff… anybody want to do it here?  Go link up on Coal Block Community.  Its like Facebook for anti-coal activists.

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