
Posts Tagged ‘pork spending’


In the dark of the night on January 27, a hefty provision was snuck through the Senate Appropriations Committee. It would expand the current loan guarantee program by providing $50 billion in taxpayer backed loan guarantees for “eligible technologies”.

The handout is likely to be directed at new nuclear reactors and “clean coal”- technologies that undermine the spirit of a bill intended to stimulate a new green economy that boost “shovel-ready” projects and creates jobs within the next two years.

Please call you Senators and tell them to strip the Senate economic stimulus bill of subsidies intended to underwrite nuclear power and “clean coal.” Tell them to remove the $50 billion loan guarantee provision!

We don’t have much time – the Senate will start debating the economic stimulus today. You can find your member of the Senate here.

Please, call your Senators now and demand that unnecessary “pork” be pulled out of the bill. Then fill out this letter  to let us know who you called and how it went.

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