
Posts Tagged ‘recyclables’

In case you haven’t heard, word on the street is that we’re in an economic recession.  Apparently lots of people are losing money, markets are down, and everything is on sale, sale, sale!

Things aren’t any different in the market for recycled goods.  Recyling industries are hurting, city government’s aren’t making as much money from their recycling programs, and some are even having to scrap various aspects of their programs. Thankfully,  Ms. Fisk’s second grade classroom has taken a stand.

champagne1While paper, plastic, and cardboard prices have all plunged, glass prices have remained stable. Explains Kate Galbraith at Green, Inc:

Why? The main reason, experts say, is that it gets reused domestically. Whereas paper and plastics are shipped to China to be recycled, the glass is often crushed in the United States.

So this New Year’s, raise your glass of bubbly secure in the knowledge that you’ve made the best possible environmental decision in purchasing that recyclable and lucrative glass bottle.  If you’re a beer drinker, spring for the longneck over that classy aluminum can.  Or better yet, get it on draft!  May I suggest Real Ale’s Coffee Porter?  The you can feel extra smug because on top of being low-waste, its local!  Real Ale brews out of Blanco, and the Coffee Porter is made with organic barley and organic fair trade coffee roasted by Avi Katz in Houston.

Hoppy New Year! (yuk, yuk, yuk)  Be safe, y’all.

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