
Posts Tagged ‘Republican National Committee’

Judge Pat Priest has sentenced former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to three years in prison on the conspiracy charge he was convicted of in November.  Delay was also sentenced to five years in prison on the money laundering conviction but Judge Priest allowed DeLay to accept 10 years of probation instead of more prison time.

He is expected to appeal and the judge set a $10,000 bond, which means DeLay will likely be a free man until his appeal is complete.

The convictions stem from the 2002 Texas state house elections, when DeLay’s state PAC collected $190,000 in corporate donations and sent the money to the Republican National Committee. The RNC then sent a total of $190,000 to seven Republican state house candidates hand-picked by DeLay’s PAC.

Under Texas law, it is illegal for candidates to use corporate money — raised directly or indirectly — for their campaigns.

Public Citizen wants to acknowledge the work done by Craig McDonald, the director of Texans for Public Justice and former director of the Texas office of Public Citizen.  His work on tracking the money was key to the initial investigation of Delay and his PAC.

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Testimony in Tom DeLay‘s money-laundering trial ended on Thursday, without the former House majority leader testifying and neither DeLay’s chief political aide, Jim Ellis, nor John Colyandro, who ran Texans for a Republican Majority, testified because they are being tried later as co-conspirators.  Closing arguments are set for Monday and with any luck we will have a verdict by the end of next week.

In the meantime, let’s recap this week.

Prosecutors in the political money-laundering case against former U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay continued their efforts to build a circumstantial case, but as the sixth day of testimony ended Tuesday, they still had not directly linked DeLay to the alleged scheme.  However, on Wednesday prosecutors presented the jury with statements DeLay made to investigators in 2005, indicating he knew of a $190,000 money swap before it occurred.


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