
Traffic noise and pollution may impact kids’ hyperactivity

A story in MyHealthNewsDaily by Lindsey Konkel says, according to a new study from Germany, children who live near a noisy road may be at an increased risk of hyperactivity.  Those in the study who were exposed to the highest noise levels at home showed 28 percent more symptoms  of hyperactivity and inattention than kids exposed to the lowest traffic  noise levels.

A growing number of studies are showing that environmental stressors, such as noise and chemical pollution, may affect children’s behavior and mental health by impacting a child’s brain during important developmental periods, increasing levels of circulating stress hormones or disrupting a child’s ability to sleep and concentrate.  Previous studies have linked pollution from traffic exhaust to behavior problems in kids.

For those living near high traffic and pollution areas, such as the Port of Houston, this among other health impacts of such an environment, should be taken into consideration as the Port looks to expanding.